
aboy's thoughts about infidelity

Infidelity. Its actually a general term on breaching faith between a person to another. It might happen to married couples, or even to unmarried ones. What i mean about 'general term' is that adultery is also a form of breaching faith, having sex, where one or both of the partners are married to someone else. Unmarried couples in the other hand, is just being cheated by him/her because they are not bound to marriage.

Infidelity breaks many marriage around the world. In another word, it will happen, not on every married couple, but some of it. The reason? I think the most infidelity-contributed reason is from the root of the relationship itself. Men can't get enough. Women is hard to please. Yes, men can't get enough, they thought about sex everytime. It depends on the partner to handle their men. But do it wisely, men sometimes have problems with women controlling them, thus, also ruining the relationship. Women is hard to please, not all of them, but its true. On this era, women is not like the old days, being loyal to their men. They also have the feeling to be with someone else. That's bad. Sure its hard to get loyal girls around ay?

Unmarried couple, breaking up is less heartbreaking and less headache. Wait, heartbreak is still hurts, but no need to face your family and all. Breakup is a breakup. But sometimes, if you do find one that is right, hang on to them. Infidelity among unmarried couples to me sometimes helps a relationship, but its just little contribution compare to a loyal relationship. But still it is wrong. Depends on how the people look at it. Unmarried couple often being teenagers to the early 20's, it is common to see couple breaking up and then they find a new one. To me if its really not suitable, problems circling around, then breaking up is inevitable, but to break up just for fun, thinks that is plain wrong. Changing partners like their handbags, last thing they knew, the are old and alone. Yes!

the definiton is differ in the context of religion. Islam, as we know, forbids infidelity among married couples and it is a big sin. Forget the unmarried couples ay? Other religion's definiton is different, although i dont know much about it, but some might see infidelity as "he is a bad guy ya?", "that is embarrassing!".. instead of thinking how big the sin they have committed. yeah, looks like, in the end, how bad infidelity depends on the person's eye right?

topic is being asked by Maslinda Ayu.


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